
Muzybar Computer Robots

Muzybar presents its innovative robots, specialised in delivery, advertising and interaction, and cleaning.

Robots are sweeping the HORECA sector

In a world where automation and efficiency have become fundamental cornerstones, robots are emerging as innovative solutions that are transforming work models and maximising results safely and effectively. In this scenario, Muzybar Computer, wholesalers centred on the POS, identification, and cash control, presents the firm’s robots at Hostelco.

Equipped with the latest technology, these autonomous robots stand out for their versatility and efficiency, and perform essential functions in a wide variety of environments, from restaurants to industry, shops, hotels and retirement homes, to name just a few. Muzybar Robots can be put into three categories, depending on the activities they perform: delivery, advertising and interaction, and cleaning.

Each of these robots plays a crucial role in process optimisation. Their specialisation ensures that humans are effectively relieved of the most tedious and repetitive tasks, so that they can concentrate on more important things. This implementation results in greater efficiency, increased productivity, and a reduction in operating costs, benefiting the company and helping to improve the experience of both consumers and customers.

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Alimentaria & HOSTELCO

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