Round Table

XIV IMDC Session 3. Health Effects of the Mediterranean Lifestyle

The Alimentaria Hub Nutrition, Health and Wellness

Wednesday 20, 16:00h - 17:30h | Hall 5 | The Alimentaria Hub – Auditorio by Carreras
20-03-2024 16:00 20-03-2024 17:30 Europe/Madrid XIV IMDC Session 3. Health Effects of the Mediterranean Lifestyle

The XIV edition of the International Mediterranean Diet Conference: A Look to the Future will highlight the value of the Mediterranean Diet as one of the healthiest and most sustainable lifestyles. Likewise, the conclusions of this event will lead to the updating of the frequencies and arrangement of foods in the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid according to current scientific criteria.

Hall 5 | The Alimentaria Hub – Auditorio by Carreras

The XIV edition of the International Mediterranean Diet Conference: A Look to the Future will highlight the value of the Mediterranean Diet as one of the healthiest and most sustainable lifestyles. Likewise, the conclusions of this event will lead to the updating of the frequencies and arrangement of foods in the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid according to current scientific criteria.


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