
Graphic material

Download all the graphic material of HOSTELCO: logo, poster or banners…


Logotipo HOSTELCO para el material gráfico

Format: PNG

Format: PNG

Format: JPG

Format: JPG

E-mail signature

Formato: PNG y Adobe Illustrator

Social media material

Ready-to-use templates

We offer you different templates in two basic formats to publish in social networks: 1080x1080px and 1080x1920px.

Format: Adobe Illustrator y PWP

Customizable templates

We also give you the possibility to use these customizable templates and share your booth number on social networks.

Format: Adobe Illustrator y PWP


Gotham HTF Black

Gotham Book

Corporate colors

C:0 M:0 Y:100 K:0

Pantone Yellow

R:255 G:237 B:0


C:60 M:60 Y:60 K:100

Pantone Black

R:0 G:0 B:0


Graphic guide

Alimentaria & HOSTELCO
Exhibitors and Products Catalogue

The list of exhibiting companies is provisional and is updated constantly, so it is subject to change.


For this reason, we recommend you to check it frequently.