
Digmesa Nano Flex Flowmeter

Digmesa presents its new Nano Flex miniature flowmeter for measuring liquids

Unlimited fluid measurement

Digmesa’s new Nano Flex miniature flowmeter offers accuracy and repeatability in measuring all types of liquids. It is a very useful tool in applications where it is necessary to know fluid levels or to dose quantities, with the great added advantage that it guarantees a practically unlimited useful life.

The Nano Flex can be set up simply and quickly, both vertically and horizontally, thanks to the AVS Römer Push-in fittings provided. It works with flow rates starting at 0.25 litres per minute and temperatures ranging from 0 to 60°C.

At HOSTELCO, Cr2Egara will be sharing this innovation by Digmesa, a Swiss company specialised for more than four decades in the development, manufacture and international sale of liquid flow measurement devices for small volumes and microvolumes.

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