
Track: Restoration in Communities

Mon 18
Round Table | Restauración en colectividades

Inditex, leading sustainable corporate catering in Spain

Isabel Coderch
Isabel Coderch Te lo Sirvo Verde Sustainable Hospitality Consultant and Founder of Te lo Servo Verde Speaker
Eduardo Sanjurjo
Eduardo Sanjurjo Galia Ceo & Founder Speaker
Senén M. Barral
Senén M. Barral Inditex Head of the Department of Innovation, Infrastructure and Restoration Services Speaker

18-03-2024 11:00 18-03-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid Inditex, leading sustainable corporate catering in Spain

In this session Isabel Coderch, founder of Te lo sirvo verde, will talk about the challenges and trends in sustainable hospitality, and we will discover with Inditex why it is considered the most sustainable collective restaurant in Europe.

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
11:00h - 12:00h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
Round Table | Restauración en colectividades

School menu planning: Keys to offer healthy and sustainable menus

Isabel Coderch
Isabel Coderch Te lo Sirvo Verde Sustainable Hospitality Consultant and Founder of Te lo Servo Verde Speaker
Gemma Salvador
Gemma Salvador Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya Dietitian-Nutritionist Speaker
Nani Moré
Nani Moré Menjadors Escolars Chef Specialized in Sustainable Communities Speaker
Tatiana Pérez de Acha
Tatiana Pérez de Acha Serunion Director of Loyalty and CSR Speaker

18-03-2024 12:15 18-03-2024 13:15 Europe/Madrid School menu planning: Keys to offer healthy and sustainable menus

In this colloquium we will talk about the importance of menu design, the choice of ingredients and the organization of purchases to be able to offer healthy and sustainable menus in school environments.

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
12:15h - 13:15h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
Culinary Demonstration with Tasting | Restauración en colectividades

We design a sustainable, healthy and delicious school menu with vegetable protei

Ghaim Kidane
Ghaim Kidane Rational Large Group Account Manager Speaker
Patricia Rusler
Patricia Rusler Rational Corporate Chef Speaker

18-03-2024 13:30 18-03-2024 14:15 Europe/Madrid We design a sustainable, healthy and delicious school menu with vegetable protei

Providing a healthy, balanced and delicious diet to children is crucial so that they can grow and carry out their daily activities appropriately and with enough energy. RATIONAL will present a menu that meets all these requirements, produced live in less than 45 minutes, with only 2 cooking devices: iCombi Pro 6 1/1 and iVario 2-XS. Eating well at school is possible!

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
13:30h - 14:15h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
Round Table | Restauración en colectividades

Food waste in nursing homes, where is the problem?

Anna Pons
Anna Pons Departament de drets socials Accreditation and Support Technique for the Social Services Inspection Speaker
Mercé Saltor
Mercé Saltor Central Borne Commercial Manager Speaker
Marta Galindo
Marta Galindo Grup Lantus Nurse Socio-health Sector Speaker
Antoni Vidal
Antoni Vidal ACRA Chief Operating Officer Speaker

18-03-2024 15:30 18-03-2024 16:30 Europe/Madrid Food waste in nursing homes, where is the problem?

The colloquium on food waste in nursing homes will bring together all the actors involved in the design, preparation and service of menus. The causes and best strategies will be identified to reduce waste and ensure appropriate nutrition for our elderly.

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
15:30h - 16:30h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
Round Table | Restauración en colectividades

Digitalization and sustainability: When technology is a partner

Constance Lambert
Constance Lambert Winnow Solutions Business Development Manager and Global Resorts LeadWinnow Solutions Speaker
Maite Molina
Maite Molina Campos Estela CSR and Communication Speaker
Juan Carlos Jiménez
Juan Carlos Jiménez Mapal Senior Account Director Iberia and Latam Speaker
Denis Ugalde
Denis Ugalde Oreka CEO Speaker

18-03-2024 16:45 18-03-2024 17:45 Europe/Madrid Digitalization and sustainability: When technology is a partner

If digitization refers to the process of converting analog or physical information into digital format (a process that many companies are still in the process of), artificial intelligence goes further and focuses on developing systems and programs capable of performing tasks that normally require human intelligence. One thing and the other are essential to address any project related to food waste and sustainability.

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
16:45h - 17:45h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
Presentation | Restauración en colectividades

Presentation of ‘Solidarity Oil’ Project’

José Ramón Cuesta
José Ramón Cuesta Aceite Solidario President Speaker

18-03-2024 18:00 18-03-2024 18:15 Europe/Madrid Presentation of ‘Solidarity Oil’ Project’

Cooking oil recycling and its contribution to the ODS. Belonging to the 'Aceite Solidario' initiative not only reflects the environmental responsibility of companies, but also promotes tangible progress towards a more sustainable future, aligned with the UN ODS.

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
18:00h - 18:15h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
Tue 19
Round Table | Restauración en colectividades

Buy for quality food in nursing homes

Ignacio Manso
Ignacio Manso Purchasing Analyst Specialized in Geriatric Residences Speaker
Martina Miserachs
Martina Miserachs Be Healthia CEO Speaker
Marc Ferré
Marc Ferré Save Up Market General Director Speaker
Mario Cañizal
Mario Cañizal Supply Food For Seniors Promoter Speaker

19-03-2024 10:30 19-03-2024 11:30 Europe/Madrid Buy for quality food in nursing homes

In contract catering we talk a lot about food purchases in schools and hospitals but almost nothing about residences. Why isn't there more talk about who, how and from whom they buy nursing home? Can transparency be improved to understand the supply-preparation-distribution and food service circuit? Where is the food when it comes to quality validation of the comprehensive management of a nursing home?

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
10:30h - 11:30h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
Culinary Demonstrations | Restauración en colectividades

Triple adaptation of the Mediterranean diet for patients with dysphagia

Fernando Dolera
Fernando Dolera Hospital de Mataró – Serhs Food Responsible for the Development and Preparation of the Dysphagia Menu Speaker
Paula Viñas
Paula Viñas Hospital de Mataró- Consorci sanitari del Maresme Dietitian-Nutritionist Predoctoral Researcher at the Digestive Motility Unit of the Mataró Hospital. Specialized in the compensatory treatment of Oropharyngeal Dysphagia. Speaker

19-03-2024 11:45 19-03-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid Triple adaptation of the Mediterranean diet for patients with dysphagia

The objective of the workshop is to improve knowledge about nutrition for people with oropharyngeal dysphagia (OD) and the main characteristics of texture modified diets (TMD) following the triple adaptation of the Mediterranean diet. A complete menu, adapted for people with chewing and swallowing disorders, will be prepared by a cook specialized in TMD and a nutritionist dietician specialized in OD.

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
11:45h - 12:30h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
Culinary Demonstration with Tasting | Restauración en colectividades

Advantages of modifying textures with a colloidal mill

Francesc González
Francesc González Cotesa Chef Product Manager Speaker

19-03-2024 12:45 19-03-2024 13:30 Europe/Madrid Advantages of modifying textures with a colloidal mill

The colloidal mill is ideal for textured diets: it maintains the nutrients and does not generate loss. It is a common type of mill in the food industry but still unknown in the restaurant industry. Optimizes processes and takes advantage of raw materials while preserving organoleptic properties. These are advantages not only for business but also for the planet thanks to less food waste.

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
12:45h - 13:30h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
Culinary Demonstration with Tasting | Restauración en colectividades

Proposal to cook basal and specific diets in a profitable and safe way

Aridane Rivero
Aridane Rivero Gallina Blanca Foodservice Chef Speaker

19-03-2024 13:45 19-03-2024 14:30 Europe/Madrid Proposal to cook basal and specific diets in a profitable and safe way

We will present our products through the tasting of two preparations, we will highlight how our broths are essential to guarantee nutritional quality, food safety and efficiency in the kitchen in specialized social catering environments.

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
13:45h - 14:30h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
Round Table | Restauración en colectividades

Great challenges of food safety, beyond microbiology

Daniel Carles
Daniel Carles Inno4Food by Soleti Group Technical Director Speaker
Iván Ludeña
Iván Ludeña Iluquality Director and Founder Speaker
Marta Ruíz
Marta Ruíz Mediterránea Director of Quality, Food Safety, PRL and Sustainability Speaker
Xabier Munioitz
Xabier Munioitz Laztan Founder and CEO Speaker
Mª Rosa Urdiales
Mª Rosa Urdiales Sesal President Speaker

19-03-2024 16:30 19-03-2024 17:30 Europe/Madrid Great challenges of food safety, beyond microbiology

Table focused on discussing physical risks (both those that occur in our own kitchens and those that may come from our suppliers) and on different ways and prevention mechanisms to avoid the presence of allergens in collective catering menus. Digitalization and the development of a culture of safety will also be discussed as key elements in the prevention of all types of risks.

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
16:30h - 17:30h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
Awards | Restauración en colectividades

ATX Allergy Protection Awards

19-03-2024 17:45 19-03-2024 19:00 Europe/Madrid ATX Allergy Protection Awards

Awards given to companies, centres, initiatives and professionals in the community sector who stand out for their good management and adaptation of the service to the needs of allergic people.

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
17:45h - 19:00h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
Wed 20
Presentation | Restauración en colectividades

The revolution of good coffee

Bea Mesas
Bea Mesas Incapto Co-founder Speaker

20-03-2024 10:30 20-03-2024 11:15 Europe/Madrid The revolution of good coffee

How much do you know about the coffee you press every day? Bea Mesas, will introduce you to the passionate world of coffee and teach you key concepts to identify and learn more about a drink that they serve several times every day. Essential for everyone who drinks coffee every day.

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
10:30h - 11:15h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
Round Table | Restauración en colectividades

Deindexation: Key to survival

Jose Andrés Elizaga
Jose Andrés Elizaga Clece Director of Institutional Relations Speaker
Alejandra Leiva
Alejandra Leiva AERCAN President Speaker
Mario Muñoz
Mario Muñoz Mediterránea General Director Speaker
Javier Arenillas
Javier Arenillas Food Service España General Secretary Speaker

20-03-2024 11:30 20-03-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid Deindexation: Key to survival

We will discuss the impact of the deindexation law on the contract catering sector and the need to introduce reforms that allow the prices of public service contracts to be reviewed to match them with variations such as the increases agreed in the collective agreement or the increase in the SMI.

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
11:30h - 12:30h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
Round Table | Restauración en colectividades

Values ​​and recognition of contract catering

Santiago Aleixandre
Santiago Aleixandre Grupo Ucalsa Adviser Speaker
Vicente Beneyto
Vicente Beneyto Lasker Partner director Speaker
Aksel Helbek
Aksel Helbek Serunion Commercial and Marketing Director Speaker

20-03-2024 12:45 20-03-2024 13:45 Europe/Madrid Values ​​and recognition of contract catering

Perceptions and reputation of the contract catering sector, analyzing the imbalance between crisis situations and the lack of recognition of the contributions and values ​​of a sector that remains largely unknown, especially for public opinion.

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
12:45h - 13:45h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
Round Table | Restauración en colectividades

Don’t play with food: Purchase and quality to educate

Froilan Salgado
Froilan Salgado Fundesplai Operating Director Speaker
Carme Meléndez
Carme Meléndez Generalitat de Catalunya Deputy Director General of Community Services Management and Scholarships Speaker
Gemma Salvador
Gemma Salvador Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya Dietitian-Nutritionist Speaker
Pep Montes
Pep Montes Associació Catalana d’Empreses del Lleure, l’Educació i la Cultura (Acellec) Manager Speaker

20-03-2024 15:00 20-03-2024 16:00 Europe/Madrid Don’t play with food: Purchase and quality to educate

- Proximity group purchase

- What do we ask of local producers?

- Midday time as an educational space

- Social and eating habits to improve quality of life

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
15:00h - 16:00h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
Presentation | Restauración en colectividades

Contract catering in Catalonia: Real photo of the sector

Raimon Bagó
Raimon Bagó Associació Catalana d'Empreses de Restauració Col·lectiva President of the Foodservice Cluster of Catalonia and Director General of Serhs Food Speaker
Ana Turón
Ana Turón Restauración Colectiva Founder and Director Speaker
Alexandra Tamas
Alexandra Tamas Univer Founder and Director Speaker

20-03-2024 16:15 20-03-2024 17:00 Europe/Madrid Contract catering in Catalonia: Real photo of the sector

A study that goes into detail like never before and that is emerging not only as an information resource, but as a strategic tool and competitive advantage that can make a difference for both operating companies and suppliers in the sector.

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
16:15h - 17:00h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
Round Table | Restauración en colectividades

Dietitian-nutritionist: A key profile but not visible

Inés Navarro
Inés Navarro CODINUCAT Coordinator Dietitian - Nutritionist Speaker
Roser Martí
Roser Martí CODINUCAT President Dietitian - Nutritionist Speaker
Paula Crespo
Paula Crespo Hospital Recoletas Campo Grande Obesity Unit Coordinator and Member of the CGCODN Dietitian - Nutritionist Speaker

20-03-2024 17:15 20-03-2024 18:15 Europe/Madrid Dietitian-nutritionist: A key profile but not visible

The profession of dietitian-nutritionist is one for the exercise of which qualifies the title of Diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, and in article 7.2.g) of the LOPS and qualifies Dietitians-Nutritionists as professionals who develop activities oriented to the diet of the person or groups of people appropriate to physiological needs, in accordance with the principles of prevention and public health.

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
17:15h - 18:15h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
Thu 21
Culinary Demonstration with Tasting | Restauración en colectividades

Freeze-drying: an improvement in nutrition

21-03-2024 10:15 21-03-2024 10:45 Europe/Madrid Freeze-drying: an improvement in nutrition

In this presentation we will talk about freeze-drying as a field of research to enrich menus with natural foods and focusing on the problem of malnutrition. Freeze-drying allows you to preserve about 95% of the nutritional values ​​of foods, compared to methods such as dehydration which, by directly using heat, destroys part of the minerals and vitamins.

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
10:15h - 10:45h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
Round Table | Restauración en colectividades

Disease-related malnutrition

21-03-2024 11:00 21-03-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid Disease-related malnutrition

In this forum we discuss the problems that inadequate nutrition causes in patients admitted to socio-sanitary centers and the various consequences, both from a healthcare and economic point of view; I raise awareness at all levels of the importance of adequate nutrition for the recovery of patients/residents

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
11:00h - 12:00h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
Culinary Demonstrations | Restauración en colectividades

Sarcopenia and hospital feeding

21-03-2024 12:15 21-03-2024 13:00 Europe/Madrid Sarcopenia and hospital feeding

In this workshop, guidelines will be given to improve nutrition in groups affected by the DRE with different needs and profiles, presenting the recipes and preparation of the three dishes of a complete menu.

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
12:15h - 13:00h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
Round Table | Restauración en colectividades

Financing of large investments in kitchen machinery and equipment

21-03-2024 13:15 21-03-2024 14:15 Europe/Madrid Financing of large investments in kitchen machinery and equipment

The large investment involved in both the acquisition and renewal of equipment in the hospitality industry (kitchens and laundries) means that either these needs are postponed, or solutions have to be sought to alleviate the liquidity deficit with new alternatives. What is being done and what the trends are are the questions to which answers will be sought at this table.

Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point
13:15h - 14:15h Hall 4 | Restauración en Colectividades Meeting Point

Alimentaria & HOSTELCO
Exhibitors and Products Catalogue

The list of exhibiting companies is provisional and is updated constantly, so it is subject to change.


For this reason, we recommend you to check it frequently.
