
Mari Carmen Carrillo

R+D+i Project Manager | CTAEX
Mari Carmen Carrillo


Mª Carmen Carrillo Sánchez, graduated in biochemistry from the University of Córdoba and master's degree in Agri-Food from the same university. From 2017 to 2021.


Conference | The Alimentaria Hub

Red Cervera AGROMATTER: Sustainability as a generator of knowledge and business opportunities

Mari Carmen Carrillo
Mari Carmen Carrillo CTAEX R+D+i Project Manager Speaker
Presentación García
Presentación García Centro Nacional de la Conserva Head of the Technology Area Speaker

18-03-2024 11:00 18-03-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid Red Cervera AGROMATTER: Sustainability as a generator of knowledge and business opportunities

ROMMATER is a network of Technological Centers of scientific-technical Excellence in the field of the Circular Economy that has focused its current technological capabilities.

Hall 5 | The Alimentaria Hub – Auditorio by Carreras
Mon 18 11:00h - 14:00h Hall 5 | The Alimentaria Hub – Auditorio by Carreras

Alimentaria & HOSTELCO
Exhibitors and Products Catalogue

The list of exhibiting companies is provisional and is updated constantly, so it is subject to change.


For this reason, we recommend you to check it frequently.
